Combining finances with your spouse or partner can be challenging. A successful combination depends on recognizing you have different experiences with money, attitudes about money, and earnings potential. Unfortunately many couples do not get the money issues correct as it is one of the top reasons for divorce. There are no right or wrong ways for combining […]
Tag Archives | financial goals
Mind and Body to Control Spending
Recent research has shed light on how you can use your mind and body to control spending. You have to act to achieve a goal. You can’t just think about doing something. It’s the action that actually empowers you. Many folks set financial goals to control their spending. If you are one of them, try these […]
Financial Integrity Check
Have you performed a financial integrity check? I was intrigued by how this life coaching technique pioneered by Martha Beck, the celebrated master life coach, could be applied to your finances. A recent article in BusinessWeek stoked my interest in an integrity check and a more in-depth integrity cleanse. In her life coaching experience, Beck describes […]
Financial Goals – How Much By When?
I often advise clients on how to set financial goals. One technique I use is to ask “how much by when?” Answering this question is a good way to put meat on the bones. It makes your financial goal concrete. The technique also provides an easy way to check whether you achieved your goal. One […]