Place a free security freeze on your credit reports. Don’t be fooled by the credit bureaus attempts to sign up for credit lock. A credit lock is not free and provides the same protection as a security freeze.
Tag Archives | credit score
Improve Your Credit Score
By Michael Wroblewski, CFP® on June 16, 2016 in Financial Planning, Spending Habits for Young Professionals
You want to improve your credit score quickly but are unsure how to do so. In short, pay all your bills on time and use only one-third of your available credit each month. Doing these two things consistently will generate positive credit information that will raise your score. You can also lessen the impact of […]
How Credit Affects Auto insurance in Maryland, Virginia, and DC
Auto insurers can use your credit score in Maryland, Virginia, and DC to calculate your premium – irrespective of your driving record. A recent Consumer Reports investigation uncovered how your credit score can have a bigger influence on your premium than your driving record. In addition, Consumer Reports found that in some states (including Virginia […]