Tag Archives | asset allocation


2 Tips for a Low-Cost Stock Investment Strategy

I often ask my clients two questions to help them obtain a low-cost stock investment strategy: What level of return are you seeking and how much should you pay to buy that asset?  Of course, these two questions come after you have decided on your investment horizon (https://www.financialadvisorforyou.com/how-should-i-invest-my-money/) and risk tolerance (https://www.financialadvisorforyou.com/2-reference-points-can-help-you-assess-your-risk-tolerance/).  The short answer […]

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2 Reference Points Can Help You Assess Your Investment Risk Tolerance

It is time to examine your risk tolerance or risk aversion once you’ve decided upon your investment horizon – short, medium, or long-term. Where do you start?  As a rule of thumb, the longer your investment horizon, the greater volatility (ups and downs) you can weather in your portfolio.  Conversely, if the horizon is short, […]

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