Archive | College Funding

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2 Guideposts for Equity Allocations in Your Portfolio

It is time to construct a diversified portfolio once you have decided the percentage of your portfolio that will be invested in stocks. But what is the best way to decide which funds to choose among the myriad of stock mutual funds and exchange traded funds available? The approach I outline below can be used […]

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3 Tips on How Public Service Can Forgive Student Loans

I receive a lot of questions on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLFP) as a way to pay off federal student loans.  Washington DC is concentrated with public service professionals who are potentially eligible for this program.  Be mindful of the answers to the following three questions and you’ll be on your way to […]

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student loans

Tips to Pay Off Student Loans Smartly

Repaying your student loans smartly can save money over the long term and increase your credit score.  Remember:  your federal and private student loans generally cannot be canceled or discharged in bankruptcy because you didn’t get the education or job you expected, or because you didn’t complete your education.  So it makes sense to come up […]

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