You know you should save money. Whether it is for retirement, a new car, or just to build your emergency fund. But how do you start if you don’t have a good savings track record? These four tips can help you save more money. They are based, in part, on insights from research in psychology, […]
Archive | Spending Habits for Young Professionals
5 Tips to Spend Less Money
These five tips can help you spend less money. They fix the faulty thinking that many of us have when it comes to money. The tips help you identify the money trap and then offer a way to avoid falling into it. These insights are from research in psychology, behavioral science, and neuroscience. More can […]
Six Tips to Repay Student Loans
Use these six tips to repay your student loans. They address issues that recently surfaced about student loan servicers. The lawsuit by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against Navient, a large student loan servicer, highligted several features that federal student loan borrowers should know. Navient’s response to the CFPB’s lawsuit tellingly says they have absolutely […]
Getting Ready for Home Buying
You can do several things to prepare for your first home purchase. This blog is the second of three on home buying. The first one describes how much house you can afford. This one describes things to do to prepare to make an offer. The third one describes mortgage loan products. The early bird catches the […]
Buying Your First Home Tips
Buying your first home can create needless anxiety. This blog is the first of three on home buying. This one describes how much house you can afford. The second one describes things to do to prepare to make an offer. The third one describes mortgage loan products. Why buy a house or condo? You may have […]
Improve Your Credit Score
You want to improve your credit score quickly but are unsure how to do so. In short, pay all your bills on time and use only one-third of your available credit each month. Doing these two things consistently will generate positive credit information that will raise your score. You can also lessen the impact of […]
Financial Advice for Graduates (and Parents)
Graduates please pay attention to your finances. And parents heed this financial advice too if you haven’t been as vigilant as you could have been. Don’t avoid dealing with your finances because you don’t want to or don’t like math. If you avoid dealing with your finances now you will pay more in the long run […]
Five Spending Habits Examined
How your spending habits can help or hinder or retard your financial goals was examined in Part One of this blog. And to change your habits you need to examine why you do what you do. Many New Year’s resolutions center around curbing over spending. Listed below are five reasons that may influence your spending […]
Habits to Support Your Financial Goals
Are your habits helping or hindering you from achieving your financial goals? We are nearing the end of the first quarter and its time to check on whether you’ve made progress on your New Year’s resolutions. One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to get financially fit. You know, save more and/or spend […]
Emergency Fund Size Revisited
Here’s an easy way to determine the minimum size of your emergency fund. It is a quick and dirty way that should stand you in good stead. The purpose of an emergency fund is to have money available in case of unexpected expenses. By dipping into the emergency fund to pay them, you don’t have […]