The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI) is having a rare Open Season the month of September. This is the first FEGLI Open Season since 2004.
If you are a Federal employee eligible for FEGLI, you can increase your coverage without medical underwriting. The lack of medical underwriting means you won’t have a medical exam or answer health questions to get your coverage.
You can even increase coverage for your family members with no medical underwriting.
The September 2016 FEGLI Open Season is an opportunity for those denied coverage for health reasons to increase their coverage. Although group coverage is often more expensive than medically underwritten individual coverage, it is very reasonable for those needing life insurance to protect their families and have been denied it in the past.
Elections for new coverage made during the September 2016 FEGLI Open Season have a one-year delayed effective date. Coverage you choose in the September 2016 FEGLI Open Season will be effective on the first day of the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2017, as long as you meet pay and duty status requirements.
For most bi-weekly federal employees this coverage will be effective on October 1, 2017.
The new premium will be effective when the new coverage is effective. You will not pay your new premiums during the one-year waiting period.
The FEGLI Open Season is for current federal employees. Unfortunately, it is not available for annuitants.
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